About Us
Introducing We All Have Stories, located on the Connecticut shoreline in Guilford, CT. What do we do? Quite simply, we create family history videos and personal history videos. Everyone has a story to tell and those stories deserve to be told… and to be preserved for future generations. We help you document and preserve those important stories by creating video biographies.
Tom and Miriam, pictured below in1947, are blessed to have many children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. Like many from the "Greatest Generation", they were a bit reluctant to talk of their earlier lives, especially the war years. But now that they have recorded their personal video memoir, they are so happy they did because it gave them the opportunity to go back in time and bring their experiences forward to the present as well as to the future, for their appreciative great-great-grandchildren to enjoy.
Don't you be reluctant. We offer high quality video production at very affordable rates. Don't delay. We all have stories. It’s time to tell yours.
Chris's Story
Chris Galvin
I spent the first half of my 33-year career in education as a high-school English teacher. Although I enjoyed the classroom very much, after 16 years I changed direction. New and exciting things were happening with technology and the school Library Media Center looked like a very interesting place to spend the second half of my career.
My training as a library media specialist included courses in video production. These video classes opened up a whole new world of creative possibilities for me. In short, I loved it. I formed a video club, taught classes in video production, and devoted countless hours beyond my regular workday to video projects in service to my school community. I gained further experience as a wedding videographer and in helping many athletes create highlight tapes. My dual career choices turned out to be just a reflection of my dual interests in the power and beauty of storytelling and in the ability of video technology to capture stories for others to experience.
I can point to two projects in particular that inspired me to eventually form We All Have Stories upon retirement from education. The first project was an annual Veterans Day tribute on which my principal and I collaborated over many years. We videotaped interviews with war veterans, from WWII to the present, and ran those interviews on local TV during Veterans Day week, adding new interviews every year. Every veteran's story was a fascinating, often harrowing account made all the more meaningful because the audience heard it firsthand from the man or woman who experienced it.
The second project resulted from my involvement as a board member of the Bert and Mary Meyer Foundation, a supporter of grassroots organizing in the rural Southeast. I helped BAMM document its history, an effort that featured interviews with another group of veterans, those on the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement. Dynamic, visionary community leaders articulated powerfully their struggles to attain justice in the face of deep adversity.
My experiences with these two wonderful groups, which I'll always cherish, helped me realize just how much more powerful a story is when it comes directly from someone who witnessed it… who experienced it first-hand… who was there. I also realized that you don't have to be a war hero, a civil rights champion, or a celebrity to have a story worth telling. Every person's life story is worth telling and celebrating. This is the heart of We All Have Stories. My goal is to help families preserve a vital part of their legacy by recording the life story of their loved ones. My services can extend to anyone of any age as well as to organizations. I encourage everyone to document this important history now, not later, whether it's with your own camera, tape recorder, pen and paper, or with a professional. If you choose the latter, I'm here for you.
So that's my story, or at least a part of it. What about your story? Or the story of someone close to you? It’s time to document it in video for future generations. Please don’t delay such an important project. Click here to begin or call me at 203-314-6610.
Yours truly,
Chris Galvin
We All Have Stories