
B24 Tail Gunner, We All Have Stories, Video Biographies, Personal Video Histories

The mission of We All Have Stories, a personal history business located in the Guilford - Madison - Branford area of the Connecticut shoreline, is to help families (as well as individuals and groups) to document, in video format, important life stories so very precious to them. Senior citizens are usually the subjects of personal history memoirs, but anyone, young or old, single or married, may decide that it's an important goal to accomplish at this point in their lives.

People often think that such a project is something they plan to accomplish someday, especially with today's technology making it much easier to do. But everyone knows what often happens to "best-laid schemes." Robert De Niro once said in a magazine interview, "I always wanted to chronicle the family history with my mother. She was always interested in that...but I wasn't forceful and I didn't make it happen. That's one regret I have. I didn't get as much of the family history as I could have for the kids." (Esquire, 12/31/02)

So if it's tough even for Mr. D. to get it done, what about the rest of us? The answer may be to have a professional help provide a very high-quality, yet affordable, solution.

Here are some reasons why should you seriously consider creating a personal video memoir for yourself or a member of your family:

  • The Stories - Consider a personal history video as an opportunity to revisit and share memories that should never be allowed to fade with the passage of time.
  • Connections - Personal video memoirs serve as a multi-generational link, giving younger family members new insights into who they are and where they came from.
  • Wonderful Gift - What better way to celebrate anniversaries, reunions, birthdays, or holidays than with a video life story documenting important events and milestones in your family’s history?
  • Living Witness - These historic personal videos allow future generations – your children and grandchildren – to see and hear their grandparents or great grandparents, with all of their wonderful mannerisms and facial expressions. Imagine allowing your aging relative to tell these stories for posterity, allowing future viewers of these videos to know the sound of their voices, to see the twinkle in their eyes, to hear the sound of their laughter. What a fabulous opportunity that would be. What a fabulous and priceless opportunity!
  • Positive Experience - All the steps taken in creating your personal video memoir provide a very therapeutic, healthy, life-affirming experience for everyone involved.
  • Technology - Chris Galvin is a professional videographer with professional, state-of-the-art equipment, allowing him to create a look and sound that uses a format adaptable to whatever new formats may emerge in the future.
  • Affordable - We’ve priced these personal history videos affordably, especially if multiple family members share the cost. It’s our hope that our affordable rates will prompt you to act now. Documenting and preserving the life story of one or more loved ones for present and future generations to enjoy is not a “some day” project. It’s really important to do it now. Please call Chris at 203-314-6610. Call with any questions or to set up a free, no-obligation consultation.